SHERA Events

Lots of experience, good ideas and speakers whose enthusiasm for dental technology is truly infectious.
You will find this at the SHERACADEMY! We offer dental technology training and courses in our premises, online or at your location. Contact us if you are interested in specific topics or have other appointment requests.

Event list
23. May
Learn from the best in Vienna I Become a 3D printing expert / 12:00 - 16:30
Learn from the best in Vienna
Become a 3D printing expert How do I use the digital workflow for even better dental results?
15th June
(D) SHERAeasy-model user webinar 22.05.2024 / 14:00 - 14:45
Smartly done. Free user webinars on CAD model design with SHERAeasy-model.
Welcome as a SHERAeasy model user.
20th June
Learn from the best in Vienna I Become a 3D printing expert / 12:00 - 16:30
Learn from the best in Vienna
Become a 3D printing expert How do I use the digital workflow for even better dental results?